The String Line
Our last report of progress centered on the rough planting of stools for the rodding run. We had dug holes at regular 9' intervals to approximately the correct depth, and deposited concrete stools into these excavations. No need for a gym membership. Next comes the process for aligning and levelling them up: the straighter the rodding run, the easier it will be to operate as friction and strain is minimised, so the incentive is there to do it really well, once, and not have to keep coming back to alter it later on! First of all, we set the two ends of this stretch of rodding: the alignment is taken from the Tebay line, whereas the level is taken from the (slightly lower) Penrith / Eden Valley line. It had to be this way around, as the EVR line will be slewed slightly later on as part of Permanent Way (track) work associated with the project. With the Cumbrian weather having filled the stool holes, baling out was first required! Bailing Out With the ends set, we borr...