Braces & Brickwork

Feverish activity today saw the team make splendid progress on the signal box with Del & Arie doing a superb job of cutting and installing the majority of the braces on the rafters.

These timbers provide additional support to the roof and also double up as ceiling rafters on the inside of the operating room. Andrew and I concentrated on the gable brickwork intent on finally bringing it up to the peak, before failing miserably in the end because we ran out of mortar too late in the day to mix anymore - what a shower! Eventual completion of the gable will see us attempt to bring the chimney up from the confines of the locking room and out through the roof and into the open which, considering all the previous gerrymandering involving the fireplace will be a milestone in itself.

I will, of course, keep you all posted on our progress as, slowly but surely, we bring this historic building back to life.


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