More Holes Than A Slice Of Swiss Cheese...

A little while ago, we were trying to install a bench top to take two compensators, and discovered it needed to be lower to avoid conflicts between the rodding connections.

We chose an old soleplate that would normally be used on a set of points. This being steel, we required a mag drill in order to bolt the whole assembly together. In the meantime, however, we cleaned up and painted the soleplate.

Many thanks to Rob for allowing us to use his mag drill: we carefully marked out where all the holes needed to be drilled and set to! Will 'flew' the drill and has then taken time to clean off the oil and give the soleplate another coat of paint. Hopefully we can get it installed on the next visit!

There is one more obstacle to overcome, however...

One of the compensators is positioned in such a way that it sits directly on top of the securing bolt... we will look to weld a stud here instead. The perils of confined spaces!! In an ideal world, the bench leg would have been slightly (8") further over, but we could not have dug out for this, as sleepers were in the way... 


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