Out Of Sight – The Work Continues!

The blog has been quiet for a while, but that doesn’t mean nothing is happening—far from it. The work being done has simply been out of sight or not particularly noteworthy.

For the past two weeks, we’ve been digging deep holes for the support posts of the access platform leading into the signal box. The steep bank, where the signal box is set, consists of loose, friable soil, meaning we’ve had to dig deep until reaching firm ground for the foundations.

We’ve also been burying the trunking that will carry the electric cables, which will power the vast array of signalling apparatus yet to be installed. Meanwhile, ‘Delboy’ has been tucked away in the depths of the locking room, making final wall repairs before applying a scratch coat of waterproof plaster.

So, there you have it—lots of work with not much to show just yet. However, we’ve now assembled all the components of the access platform, and the steps are currently being made. They’ll be appearing soon!

We have an incredible team on the job, and we will get it done.


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