The Locking Room - Part 8

The latest update from our Civil Engineering Team Leader, Bob Tyson:

Hello bloggers – I think I should begin this week by apologizing for my tardiness in reporting progress on our build, but the weather has been such that we have struggled to get much work done. However, a couple of rain-free days last Saturday and yesterday have seen further inexorable rises in the locking room walls – particularly around the doorway which is now well advanced – please see the attached photos.

We have also taken delivery of two beautifully machine-cut sandstone lintels that will head both the doorway and the window of the locking room giving a much more finished look to both these openings.

Weather-permitting, there will be further progress reports soon.

Finally, the signaling team led by Tim & Steve are also making good progress on various components and we hope to also update you on their work soon.


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