The Additional 9 Inches!

Over the past weekend we had two days on the project and planted the 5 stools beyond the completed section, leading towards the footbridge. These will take 4 rods (2 from the box and 2 from the groundframe nearest the station), and so were larger stools. Previous stools have required 15" deep holes. These needed 24"!!

The completed section in the background with
the new stools in the foreground.

The extra 9 inches required brought us through all sorts of material in the formation. Nearest the bridge were large lumps of concrete, whereas heading towards the station were lumps of sandstone. ALL put up a fight. Consequently, the additional 9" depth required far more time digging than the dimensions would suggest...

If the S&T team are about then
they're probably digging holes.

As darkness descended on Tuesday, we aligned and levelled the stools to create a smooth, gentle curve (following the track) and partially infilled them. Next time, we aim to fix the a-frames and rollers before laying on some point rodding and finishing tidying up the area.

Time to down tools as we
lose the Cumbrian sun.

Thanks for reading and we'll be back soon with more updates.


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